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"8395 Days in Oklahoma" Exhibit in Lawton  [Exhibit 2012]

Asia's exhibit, "3895 Days in Oklahoma," will show in Lawton's Leslie Powell Foundation and Gallery until the end of August. Read John Brandenburg's review of the show here:

Exhibits at Lawton gallery feature metal sculptures, prints

BY JOHN BRANDENBURG | Published: July 15, 2012
 — A show of wire and metal wall sculpture by Asia Scudder is nicely complemented by the graphic and line qualities of a printmaking exhibit at the Leslie Powell Foundation and Gallery.
Spirit Horse, a wire sculpture by Asia Scudder.  Photo provided 
Spirit Horse, a wire sculpture by Asia Scudder. Photo provided

Both Scudder's “8395 Days in Oklahoma” exhibit and the “Impressit: Printmaking in Oklahoma” show will run through Aug. 29.
Works made with the mundane but flexible material of baling wire have the most lively and expressive qualities in the “8395 Days” show, whose title refers to the 23 years Scudder has lived in Oklahoma.
Music provides the theme for the Oklahoma City artist's whimsical, serendipitous side view of “Miles Davis,” holding his horn in front of him, pointed up, as he seems to shuffle forward, between jazz riffs.
A female performer gestures skyward, even more broadly, with winglike arms, near a much more earth-connected man, hunching over a percussive instrument, in Scudder's “The Drummer and the Dancer.”
A couple shares a steaming pot of tea or soup with a heart shape between them, and rabbits woven into the latticework of their bodies, in a lyrical work called “In Love in Oklahoma.”
Also taking an upbeat view of family and romantic relationships is a large baling wire depiction of a kneeling, stylized man and a kneeling woman with a child behind her, “coming together in prayer.”
Scudder, who plans to move to Boston during the next few months, said these male and female icons represent “a balanced vision of heart and mind to create a new dynamics for healing themselves.”
A bit more static and less animated than her baling wire flights of fancy, but pleasing in their own way, are Scudder's aluminum and painted steel creations in the show. Rich color adds a welcome note to “Purple Pony,” and surface buffing, plus an exaggerated, galloping gait, lend interest to her portrayal of an “Unbridled” aluminum horse.
A hard-pressed rider clings to the back of a “Spirit Horse” in another aluminum work, which Scudder said relates to her struggle to keep up with her multiple tasks as single parent, artist and landscaper.
Horses also figure prominently in a superb woodblock print by Adrienne Day, curator of the “Impressit” show of “hand made or hand pulled” images by some 19 Oklahoma artists.
Silhouettes, chess pieces, a tree, a seashell and a birdhouse supply the background, with some of them seen through the body of the standing “Redhorse,” over running black and white horses, in Day's woodblock.
Two birds seem to be talking over “A Decision” between bird houses, in front of rolling fields, in a delightful, deftly executed stone lithograph by Lawton artist Katherine Liontas-Warren.
Green letters interact with the flight of a “Mockingbird” in a monotype by Norman artist Michael Wilson, and rocklike shapes form a precarious “Stack” in an etching by Cushing artist Betty Bowen.
A small dinosaur battles a rooster in a cock fight in a black-and-white linocut by Kjelshus Collins, while two potato people pour over a magazine and a map of the “Red Planet” in a sight-gag silk screen by Rob Smith.
Other artists in the print show include Mark Sisson, Betty Wood, Michelle E. Himes McCrory, Dewayne Pass, Michelle Martin, Marwin Begaye, Cindy Pauchey and Stacey D. Miller. Also represented with prints, one per artist, are Rebecca Lowber-Collins, Curtis Jones, Kimberlea Springer-Smith, Marc Barker and Steven Rosser.
Both the Scudder exhibit of wire and metal sculpture, and the print show are recommended viewing during their run through August 29 at the Lawton foundation and gallery.
— John Brandenburg

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