"8395 Days in Oklahoma" Exhibit in Lawton [Exhibit 2012] Asia's exhibit, "3895 Days in Oklahoma," will show in Lawton's Leslie Powell Foundation and Gallery until the end of August. Read John Brandenburg's review of the show here: Exhibits at Lawton gallery feature metal sculptures, prints BY JOHN BRANDENBURG | Published: July 15, 2012 LAWTON — A show of wire and metal wall sculpture by Asia Scudder is nicely complemented by the graphic and line qualities of a printmaking exhibit at the Leslie Powell Foundation and Gallery. Spirit Horse, a wire sculpture by Asia Scudder. Photo provided Both Scudder's “8395 Days in Oklahoma” exhibit and the “Impressit: Printmaking in Oklahoma” show will run through Aug. 29. Works made with the mundane but flexible material of baling wire have the most lively and expressive qualities in the “8395 Days” show, whose title refers to the 23 years Scudder has lived in Oklahoma. Mu...
I create abstract, fluid, whimsical sculpture in wire and steel. Sculpture and Design